Monday, September 12, 2011

Dead Island - First Impressions

Hey, everyone!

                I know it's been a while since I've made a post, and I'm sorry. I spent a while getting ready to move to Cleveland for my new career, and I've finally settled in enough to pick up a new game and give it a first impressions review. So, without further preamble, I give you Dead Island.

                Ah, the island of Banoi, a fictional paradise off the coast of New Guinea, and a beautiful setting for the surreal horror of Dead Island. After the fantastically put together opening cinematic, featuring the talents of Josef Lord performing the Dead Island theme “Who Do You Voodoo (Bitch)”, a catchy tune, and a fitting performance for the party that Logan (the drunkard you’re viewing the party through) stumbles through.

                After the breathtaking cinematic, you’re able to choose your character. I went with Logan since I particularly liked his brash attitude in the voice over that was provided for his personal history. After your character choice, you’re treated to your character awakening in his (or her) hotel room in the Royal Palms.

                Quickly, you’re thrust into the world of Banoi and the horror that lies therein. As you search through the darkened hotel for any sort of useful objects (money, items to upgrade your weapons or trade for more money, bandages) or any survivors. Eventually you’re greeted by a soothing, disembodied voice inviting you to get the hell out of the hotel. You’re ushered into the elevator shaft, where you pry open the top of an elevator and leap in, plummeting six floors, before you’re able to get out of the cab (at the behest of the same voice).

                After you have an exciting chase with the undead (these are the running zombies, similar to Zack Snyder’s 2004 revival of Dawn of the Dead) you’re knocked cold by a zombie and awaken in the “care” of the Royal Palms’ doctor. I’ll leave that scene spoiler free. Once you’re up and about, however, you’re free to pick up a weapon and head out of the hut you’ve found yourself (and a myriad of other survivors) in.

                All in all, I think Dead Island is an extremely solid game. The drop-in/drop-out system for multiplayer seems quite intuitive (though I haven’t played with anyone yet, enjoying the game in single player too much) as I’ve encountered several people who are ‘nearby’ that I could ‘join’. The customization of weapons is hilariously fun. I’ve already made a baseball bat studded with nails just begging to be embedded in a wayward zombie’s head.

                Play the game. Play it a lot. Play it until your fingers bleed and your eyes have long since gone useless.